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Topic : Is there a YouTube for writers? Basically a way to share manuscripts on social media The title explains it. I'm looking for a place to post my writing and easily share it onto Facebook or -

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The title explains it.

I'm looking for a place to post my writing and easily share it onto Facebook or Twitter. I know there are A LOT of websites, but it seems like there are too many.

I'm looking to share chapters from a book I plan on writing, or even parts of a chapter.

What are some of the best ones to use?

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There's forums, where you can post excerpts of your work for critique, there's Figment, which is merging with a service called Underlined, there's DeviantArt, which is mostly for artists, and not exclusively (and harder to upload work) for writers, and there's Wattpad.

All of those options have their advantages and disadvantages.

Wattpad is very fan fiction focused.

Figment is very reliant on having to give feedback to others before getting any good feedback.

Deviant Art is harder for writers to upload work to than it is for the illustrators and digital artists it was created for,

And the forums are spotty with feedback and not always accommodating to newer members.

As for my offer to create a service that would allow users to get feedback for their writing and such, it's very much just an idea at the moment; as there's already a lot of services that offer the same sort of thing.

However, having used a good lot of those services, none them really worked well, except for one that doesn't exist anymore.

So, to answer your question, there's services which writers can use to share their work and get feedback, but not a lot of good ones, and even the good ones aren't that good.

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Not sure if the reference to youtube means you're after something video based, but if not, then I think Scribophile is one of the best online places to share work for feedback:
For sharing it onto Facebook or Twitter, if you mean for publicity purposes, Hootsuite is a good platform where you can schedule updates for multiple feeds from a single place.

If you just want to share your work for people to read (as opposed to give you feedback on), then your best bet is a blog. Wordpress is the most popular, but is not necessarily as intuitive as they make out. However, the ease of connecting with other people probably makes it your best best. If you don't like it you could try Blogger.

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It sounds like you're looking for Wattpad (
I don't use the platform myself, but for what I can see, it allows you to upload chapters of your book up to the full book, give a cover and some metadata, and share it with the community.

Everybody can read your text and comment snippets of it, creating engagement with the community members - this I believe is the nicest feature.

You can browse books by genre, and see statistics for each one (reads, likes, lists in which it's included, etc.)

Every language has its own community, so you can easily share your book to the specific audience of your language. It's not english-only.

Sometimes you read articles in the newspapers about writers who signed deals with publishers after receiving many views on Wattpad, so this gives some promotional push to the website.

Reading your question, I believe that is as close as you can get to something like YouTube.

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I have been searching for a long time to find such a site that was actually good, but I've failed. It seems most of them are either for professionals (people who already have books published) or are for amateur teens who claim their rewrites of Twilight and Divergent are "original"

There was this one place, Figment, that was alright. I heard it's shutting down this year and they're rebooting it. It was okay enough. You could post your work and get reviews and chat about writing in the forums. However, it was difficult to get attention for your work unless you a) were super popular b) managed to become your own graphic designer and create the best freaking cover ever!

I would suggest looking into that and then what comes out after its shut down and remade. Although it had its flaws, it was pretty casual and there were no strict rules for who could/couldn't post.

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