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Topic : In terms of storytelling, always remember that you are writing a story, not an argument. Preaching is basically telling someone what to think, believe or feel. As usual for writers, the solution -

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In terms of storytelling, always remember that you are writing a story, not an argument. Preaching is basically telling someone what to think, believe or feel. As usual for writers, the solution is show, don’t tell.

I am reminded of an Irish play called An Triail (The Trial) which presents the story of a young woman who becomes pregnant out of wedlock, and shows her being abandoned or forsaken by her family, friends, neighbours, church, society, etc. one by one. It shows you the damage and encourages empathy rather than telling you its opinion on the matter at hand.

If in your writing you can draw parallels from reality, as objectively as you can, without commentary on whether these things are right or wrong and simply showing the “facts” of your world without an overload of emotionally charged language, you achieve a story whereby the readers can draw their own conclusions rather than enforcing your own. Of course, their opinion still may not be the same as yours. But you cannot convince everyone: you can simply show them another perspective and hope it can broaden their view.

As for the presentation of the setting …

I would like it to be a world with its highs and lows.

With this thinking, you’re already on the right track. Be sure to explore concrete examples of the lows. Are masculine men and women snubbed and scorned? Are there health repercussions, because sports are considered less important than intellectual pursuits? Is there an unconscious bias, or lack of men in leading positions? Maybe child-rearing is the most prestigious and well-paid career path, and anything else is considered “unskilled labour” and “hobbies”! Don’t just mention it: show the very real and substantial impact it has on your characters and the ones they love.

And bear in mind that the society can have many other failings, irrespective of the dominant gender/gender role. In that way, it is not simply an exercise in inverting norms, but a setting that will feel genuine and full to a reader. (Unless of course, it is entirely an exercise in inverting norms!)

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