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Topic : What's the best practice for displaying a personal website url in a resume? Like most veteran coders in the IT industry, I have an out-of-date website that I use to link to different activities -

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Like most veteran coders in the IT industry, I have an out-of-date website that I use to link to different activities I'm involved with online, like Twitter and Stack Overflow. Up until now, I haven't gotten around to working the address into my resume, but now is as good a time as any.

So what is the best practice for an IT worker to display a website in their resume?

Is it better for the eyes to center the url at the top?

Should it be above or below a horizontal rule?

Should it be close to, perhaps above or below an email address?

What's the most common, acceptable way for a personal website to be include in a resume?

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I'm thinking about doing it with

my name aligned (justified?) to the top left corner
my website minus aligned to the top right corner
remaining contact information below this aligned to one side or the other in left, right, left sequence.

Feel free to upvote or downvote my answer so that I can get a feeling for whether or not this is generally a good idea.

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My resume has, centered up top in the header: my name | email | phone. If I were going to put in my URL, I would add another pipe and put it in, probably omitting the
Alternatively, I sometimes put it in my cover letter/intro email if I feel it's relevant. E.g.:


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It depends on the purpose of including that URL in the first place. If it is a "here's more info about me" site, I'd say put it with your name, address, and email. If it is an example of work you did for a particular employer, then then that block of your employment section makes sense. If it is for a portfolio site, maybe front and center, under your name, at the top of the resume.

I would not use a horizontal rule on a resume.

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