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Topic : Re: How to slow down the pace of the story? How do I slow down the pace of my story? And please refrain from answering with "add more descriptions," because I'm already aware of that technique -

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The answer to this question really depends on which scale you are talking about: do you want to slow down a paragraph? A scene? A chapter? The whole story?

You talked about the story in general in one of your comments, so I'm going to focus on that. Here are a few ideas:


If you're following the structure of scene and sequel by Dwight Swain (see this explanation by Randy Ingermanson), you probably want to put more emphasis on the sequels and less on your scenes. Give your characters plenty of time to reflect on the action that's happening and less actual action.

Longer chapters

I don't think this works with every story, but maybe give it a shot and see what it does to your writing.

Add subplots

If your main plot is moving too fast, maybe you lack subplots. I'll go into more depth here because I have a gut feeling that this might be your problem.

Subplots don't only slow down the story because they drag the scenes of the story further apart. They also provide it with depth. You can use them to further explore your characters or, more importantly, their motivation (because that's relevant to the main plot). A full length novel should have 1 main plot and I'd say probably 1-3 subplots.

So, what defines as a subplot?

A plot, in general, is a sequence of cause and effect. Something happens, because of that something else happens, and because of that another thing happens. If two things happen and the first thing is not a cause of the second, they are likely not parts of the same plot. However, an action can be part of multiple plots simultaneously. If Jack and Jill go hunt down a murderer together, it can both advance the plot where they are investigating a crime and it can advance their relationship.

A subplot would therefore be a sequence of cause and effect that's distinct from the main plot of the story. The subplot itself should have a beginning, middle and end, just like the main plot. All the major plotting rules apply here, too.

How do I weave a suplot inty my story?

First, construct the subplot (as a series of scenes that are really causes and effects). You might want to make it contrast with the main story in atmosphere, (e.g. make it funny when the main plot it serious), perspective (show another point of view on the same thing or involve a character that disagrees with the protagonist) or what it's about, but make sure that it is still exploring the same theme (although it might show another aspect of it). Then identify the points where your main story and the subplot intersect. To actually weave them together and not make them seem like they are two individual stories that just co-exist side by side, you'll need them to share scenes. These will be scenes that advance both the subplot and the main plot (or two different subplots) etc.

Then, just put in the remaining scenes for your subplot in between the scenes for your other plot. For example, when time passes between two scenes in your main plot, it's a great idea to squeeze a subplot scene in between those two because it will enhance the feeling that actual time is passing. Or you can end a scene from your main plot with a cliffhanger and follow up with a subplot scene before returning to the main plot. Or, a subplot scene can simultaniously serve as a sequel to a main plot scene.

Subplots should stretch from the beginning of the book all the way to its end, just like the main plot. They should resolve usually either shortly before the climax (to maybe equip your main character with what they need to face the antagonist), at the same time as the main plot or afterwards in the Aftermath/Resolution of the story (kind of in a "Remember this? Yeah, I'm going to tie of that loose end, too" kind of way?).

To better understand subplots, I found this article on Novel Writing Help helpful.

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