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Topic : Re: Where to go to get my story critiqued? I have recently completed a short story work of mine. I have published it on Wattpad, and I've sent the Google Docs link of it to several friends. I -

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There are many major Internet forums that have critique groups. I've used several of them -- starting with Orson Scott Card's, continuing at Forward Motion and Absolute Write. I've had useful critiques at all of them.

I'd suggest in looking for a group you should have a look at what you think of not just the quality of the critiques but also the quality and type of writing that's being posted there, and whether any of the regular contributors are either professional writers or clearly have the attitude and determination to get there. (Anecdote: when I was using the site regularly, one of our other members was Mary Robinette Kowal, and it was easy to see how good she was even back then before she was published)

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