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Topic : Re: Where do I start? Let’s say I’ve created an outline, have explored my characters properly, and have properly broken down each scene to an appropriate level of detail. I know the story, I -

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I would say: There is no perfect start. In my opinion, starting where your (Writers-)Instinct tells you to start is the best option. If your Instinct is telling you: Start at the opening, start there. If your instinct tells you to write the emotional turning point in your story first: Do that.

Your (Writers-)Instinct is in the most cases right. No one knows the story better than you, so where you start is completely your decision. Only the reader is forced to start from the beginning, if he wants to fully understand your story. You are the creator and it doesn't matter if you start in the middle. In most cases, you find some good points, that could work better. In most cases there shouldn't be an order for writing, except the one you want

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