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Topic : Re: The role of inexplicable events in hard science fiction The modern world has few true mysteries, among them the fate of the Roanoke colonists and the crew of the Mary Celeste but do such happenings -

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The great thing about writing science-fiction is that we don't have to focus on the mundane 99.9% of universes where the unexplainable event didn't happen because of the vanishingly low probability. Instead, we can explore the one unique, improbable universe where it did happen, and then work from there. No matter how unlikely, there is always a possibility that something can happen that known science cannot explain sufficiently (yet).

As a scientific-minded reader, I can (subjectively) say that you can go ahead with an unlikely phenomenon if:

it serves your plot
doesn't hinge on suspension of disbelief too heavily
you are not writing a diamond-hard sci-fi universe

Please also note that even sci-fi universes towards the very hard end of the scale generally allow themselves one or two "physics-violating" technologies, which most readers are willing to forgive if the writing is really good.

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