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Topic : How to write good email for applying leaves I want to write polite mail for applying leaves. As of now I have written this, I am going wrong please correct me or suggest better way to do -

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I want to write polite mail for applying leaves. As of now I have written this, I am going wrong please correct me or suggest better way to do that

Subject: Apply Leave.
Hi sir, I am writing this to let you know that I need leaves from Dec
7, Dec 15, 2019. I will come office to Dec 16. If any issue please
call me. Thank you.

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We are not supposed to critique or suggest, but this could be important, so here goes:

‘Hi’ is informal. The more appropriate form in this situation is ‘dear sir’ or just ‘sir’.

‘Dear sir, I wish to apply for leave from December 7th to December 15 for (insert reason here). If this causes any issues, please call me at (insert number).

Thank you.

You could even thank him for his time and consideration. I tend to add those myself.

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