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Topic : How many copies of Hitchhiking with an Angel My brother wrote and it was published in 2003. Not a novel but it was published and can find even in amazon.He has never recieved 1 penny. he -

10.01% popularity

My brother wrote and it was published in 2003. Not a novel but it was published and can find even in amazon.He has never recieved 1 penny. he asked me many times to find out what I could His name as author is Walter Scott III. His real name is Walter Scott Blamer III.

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The sales rank for that title is #12 ,763,677. This number is available on the book's amazon page.

You can input that number in a calculator like this one and see that with such a low rank, the book is selling zero copies per month. There may be other calculators.

More broadly, a self published book will sell very few copies without some form of marketing. Books do not sell themselves--and this is one advantage of trade publishing over self publishing. Trade publishers usually market the book a bit. Self publishing has other advantages--like the ability to publish one's book without a middle-man.

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