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Topic : Re: Quote at the beginning of a chapter, is it advisable for fiction novels? I have read a few non-fiction works (mostly scientific) where there is a quote at the beginning of each new chapter. -

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This is a matter of opinion, it is done, but not by most.

In my opinion, I recommend against it. First for all the reasons @SteveJessop has outlined; but just as important, I don't do it because to me it seems pretentious, as if comparing your writing to theirs, and it seems like trying to borrow the fame of other great writers to make your own look better.

The only exception would be something like a quote from a source you invented; a fictional philosopher, politician, religious icon, or military generals or whatever in your own invented world. Then you own the copyright on it.

I always stick to my own writing, I don't try to borrow anybody else's to make mine seem better, my characters never quote anybody I did not also invent in their world.

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