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Topic : Science and fantasy + arcanepunk I learned today that there are sub-genres in fantasy that incorporate science too. These include arcanepunk and science fantasy. I have an idea from a novel -

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I learned today that there are sub-genres in fantasy that incorporate science too. These include arcanepunk and science fantasy.

I have an idea from a novel where some space explorers from earth wake up from cryogenic sleep to find out that their ship has landed on a world populated by magical people and creatures. They try to explain how the world works in terms of science, but over time come to believe in magic more. In meantime, some of the magical entities begin to believe more in science. So there is a cooperation and conflict.

I am a beginning writer. It was suggested in another post that I try reading fiction by other authors and reverse engineer their stories to see what works and what doesn't. Does anyone have any suggestion of novels that I could read to learn more about genres related to science fiction and fantasy?


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The Deathgate Cycle, while leaning more toward fantasy, has some pretty strong elements of sci-fi as well. It's quite well-plotted, with excellent examples of satisfying character arcs and a cohesive plot that comes together over seven books.

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M.Y.T.H. Inc. comes to mind, and possibly Dinotopia. H.P. Lovecraft's work, while more focused on horror, contains elements of both fantasy and science.

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